How to Create and Use Free Products (Freebies)

Free products, or freebies, are ideal for stores that want to include additional items with their products, such as parcel boxes or product testers. Once the store has packed the items for sale, they can easily add freebies without needing to add them to the products list first. Here’s how to create and use free products easily:

How to Create a Free Product

1. Go to the “Inventories” menu and select “Add Product.”

2. Check the “Free Product” option and fill in the product details.


3. Click “Save.”


4. The system will create the free product as shown in the example below.



How to Create an Order with a Free Product

1. Go to the “Orders” menu and select “Add order.”

2. Fill in the order details without adding the free product to the order (only select the products the customer ordered).

3. Click “Save.”


How to Pack an Order with a Free Product

1. Click on the order you want to pack, then click the “More” button.

2. Select “Pack.”


3. The system will display the packing screen as shown in the example below.

4. Scan the products that the customer ordered.


5. Then scan the barcode or enter the code of the free product. The system will automatically add the free product to the order and tag it as a “Free Product.”

6. Click “Pack.”


7. When you return to the sales order details page, the system will show the free product included in the order.


By following these steps, stores can conveniently pack free products without the hassle of adding them to the sales order manually.


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